
Notable Learning from Digital Leadership for Libraries by CILIP

 Digital Leadership for Libraries is a free, online learning course comprised of five open-access, modules created for public library workers, volunteers and apprentices. CILIP members who work outside of public libraries can also access the course. Module 1: Introduction to Digital Leadership Computational sense and its relevancy to library or information personnel ,digital leadership and key areas of digital leadership are: Vision, Knowledge, Culture, Data Links from lessons: Further Reading Links from Module 1:

How to identify fake/ predatory/ cloned journals in academics

“Writing Impactful Research (WIR)” programme conducted by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in association with Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University from 22nd April 2021 to 05th August 2021 through GoToWebinar Platform. Resource Person of s ession 16 was   Dr. Sumit Narula. He is the Deputy Dean Research (Publication and Citations) at the Amity University, India has given fifteen Crucial Point Checklists on 05 August 2021 session. Most Fake/Predatory/Cloned journals will not have any submission deadline. They will always charge money and will give you early publications. Most of them will be having multiple journals doing the same job. They also use the cloned websites with same logo and ISSN number. They have fake stamps of SCOPUS or Web of Science. Google indexing is very easy and there is no science involved in it and it is not useful anywhere in academics, but it gives you more citations. Always see the UGC CARE List and SCOPUS DATA before submitting to an...

Cutter Figure usage in the library

Cutter Figure usage in the library   In our academic years, as a basic topic, we must have heard about the topic 'Cutter Figure'. In practice in the library fields, some use the Cutter figure via software and some use the alphabet as cutter figure in call number. In my professional journey, I have worked with two different sources to generate cutter figure. I am going to share those with my readers. The two source that I have used are illustrated below:   1. Dewey Cutter Program:   It is a software which provides cutter numbers from the OCLC Four-Figure Cutter Tables upon input of text (first four letter of Surname or Title). It can be used for almost every Windows versions, and easily helps and saves time in generating item number when doing classification. It does not work with Macintosh computers. Click here to find OCLC link for the software download. Moreover, you can also find Dewey Cutter Program instructions here.  You need to download this and use if you ...

FAQs for written exam and viva-voce in the field of librarianship: focused on private academic sectors in Bangladesh

The procedure of job searching was started after seating for my Master's examination in Information Science and Library Management in 2016 from the University of Rajshahi. Over these years, I have faced almost nine interviews and most of the organization I had called for a written exam or interview are NGO knowledge centre, Higher Secondary, and Tertiary educational organizations. Here are FAQs for the written exam and viva-voce in the field of librarianship focused on private academic sectors in Bangladesh that I had faced. I have classified the questions into two sections: Administrative Questions and Subjective questions both for written and viva. Administrative Questions Introduce Yourself!! Why do you want to work with us?  What role can you play in your position?  Why are you leaving your current job? Do you have any limitations from your family?  What are your salary expectations?  How would you manage traveling to the office? How can you assure you will serve...

Open Education Resources (OER)

UNESCO is to dedicated Open Education Resources (OER) program. The term “Open Education Resource” was first coined in 2002 by UNESCO on Open Courseware in Higher Education. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials that can be found in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. OERs a type of open access material, and open access materials such as OA journal articles, OA textbooks, and other scholarly materials may support OER lesson plans. OER Commons is such a Platform supported in part by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, ISKME, the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education from a single point of access. OER Commons enables users to search, browse, and evaluate resources in OER Commons' growing collection of over 50,000 high-quality OER. Some of them are:  Full un...

7 steps of job search process

An average US worker holds 10 different jobs before age 40. This seems they change or search for a new job quite often. And it is needed to look for job search process to change your job, isn't it? Searching for a job is a part of career development. Definitely the job search process requires multiple process in practice. Step 1: Identify the skills and areas of interest Question to consider in this step are: What I am good at? What do I like to do? What have I studied? This questions will help us to create a professional profile.  Step 2: Creating a professional profile Professional profile may include a short summary of educational background, work experience, volunteering experience and special training if any. Hobbies and interests can be also added to portray personal interest.  After creation of the profile comes the time to looking for a job from different websites or newspaper or in-person.  Step 3: Reading the j...

Earliest History of Library Education

Education is so much important that it is considered as the foundation and backbone of any society. It plays a vital role in developing the traits of any society. Library education is the education for the professional career in the libraries. The word 'profession' comes with the synonymous terms of occupation, prolonged training and formal education. The library education first started in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries. The known first LIS students were from America who were being trained under the British apprenticeship system. But this limited student and specific method of training happens to be insufficient to provide the librarians with the formation of many new libraries in US and increase of the industrialization in 1800s. As a result, a new system for train up the librarian came in limelight. Melvil Dewey; Source: wikiquote Melvil Dewey was a pioneer in American Librarianship. After receiving his undergraduate degree he was hired by...